Bupa Healthy Cities Landcare Projects 2024

This is a preview of the Bupa Healthy Cities Landcare Projects 2024 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Welcome to the Bupa Healthy Cities Landcare Projects 2024 - Application Form

Before you start your application, please ensure you have read the Guidelines for the Bupa Healthy Cities Landcare Projects 2024 to ensure your organisation or group is eligible to apply and your project meets the location requirements.

Applications close at 5pm Monday 30 September 2024 (late applications will not be accepted). 

See the Project Guidelines for more information.

How the application form works


The application form does not autosave. You will need to press the save button regularly to avoid losing your progress. You can save your responses and come back to them later.


You can add more rows to a table by clicking [ + ] on the right-hand side of the table, and remove rows (empty or not) by clicking [ - ].

Word limits

Some text boxes have word limits. You will not be able to submit your application until your response is below the word limit for that question. SmartyGrants will tell you if you've gone over.

Is your project site within an eligible urban or peri-urban location? * Required
See grant guidelines for more information
Is the area your project is located within located 300m or less from an urban home, or easily accessible by public transport * Required