IMPORTANT: Please read the information below to assist you in completing your application online.
If you are already a registered SmartyGrants portal user, click ‘Start a Submission’ and login.
If you are not already a SmartyGrants portal user, click ‘Start a Submission’ and then ‘Register’. We strongly recommend that you create a log in using a group or admin email for future communications.
Click to view the 2025 Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants Guidelines.
We recommend that you 'download preview form' before starting your application.
You may begin anywhere in the application form. Please ensure you save as you go. If you need more technical assistance using this form, download the SmartyGrants Help Guide for Applicants or check out the SmartyGrants Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's).
If you still have a question about your project after you have read the guidelines, and FAQs, please contact Landcare Australia on 1800 151 105 during business hours or email and quote your submission number.
On every screen (page of the form) you will find a Form Navigation contents box, this links directly to every page of the application. Click the link to jump directly to the page you want.
You can also click 'next page' or 'previous page' on the top or bottom of each page to move forward or backward through the application.
If you wish to leave a partially completed application, press 'save and close' and log out. When you log back in and click on the 'My Submissions' link at the top of the screen, you will find a list of any applications you have started or submitted. You can reopen your draft application and start where you left off.
You can also download any application, whether draft or completed, as a PDF. Click on the 'Download PDF' button located at the bottom of the last page of the application form.
You will find a Review and Submit button at the bottom of the Navigation Panel. You need to review your application before you can submit it.
Once you have reviewed your application you can submit it by clicking on 'Submit' at the top or bottom of the screen or on the navigation panel. You will not be able to submit your application until all the compulsory questions are completed and there are no validation errors.
Once you have submitted your application, no further editing or uploading of support materials is possible.